
Jan 29, 2021

about 2 min read

5 key SEO elements to include on your startup website

For startups, the website is the main page to convert rather than social media and other subpages. Therefore, working on SEO techniques is a crucial action to make sure when customers search for the products or services, they will always find your brand name. Below is a brief guide for beginners on how to do SEO and earn Google Bot’s trust by including the most basic elements for your website. Easy and on point.

Titles, Headings with Keywords

You don’t want to stuff keywords unnaturally into your texts, yet it is a very smart move to have your main keywords easily found throughout your text evenly. And a Title / Heading containing the keywords will be an indicator that your content is relevant to a certain topic. This will help Google Bot to choose to display your content before others’ when a person searches for that topic.


A Brief Meta Description 

You will need a short description of your website’s main purpose. It will appear on search results pages and tell your customers what your company is about. Hint: A meta description that is concise and compelling is great, but you should also note to include keywords you want to do SEO as this will help you rank better.



SEO-intended customized URL


Instead of using a general sounding URL, a specific URL that links to the main topic of the content will help Google Bot Crawlers to detect and categorize your blogs faster. You don’t want to have a lengthy link either. Best links are compact and only contain 1 to 3 slashes. And it would be smart to throw your keyword to the URL link as this will make your content look more helpful.

Alt Text for Photos

Don’t you know your photos can also be used for SEO purposes? You can start using Alternate Text (Alt text) - Which is a string that looks something like this “Eiffel-tower-in-Paris”. It represents the image in the form of text and serves as an SEO element that will affect your overall SEO results, too. So take time to incorporate this function into your website’s code.


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