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Building Effective Fintech Product Marketing Tactics, The Right Way (2024)

Oct 18, 2024

about 3 min read


Gain a competitive edge with top fintech product marketing tactics. Learn practical strategies to promote your fintech product and engage your target audience.

As of January 2024, the U.S. fintech landscape boasts over 13,100 startups, with nearly 1,500 new entries in just the past year! So, how do you ensure your fintech startup can stand out in such level of competition? 


To capture attention and engage potential customers, you need more than a great product—you need effective fintech product marketing tactics. Let’s explore how to develop a strategy that highlights your unique features and drives customer adoption in a competitive market.


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Essential Fintech Product Marketing Tactics in 2024


#1: Be bold and creative!


In the fintech industry, where the focus often falls on numbers and financial jargon, it’s easy for marketing to come off as mundane or uninspired. To truly capture attention and make a lasting impression, it’s essential to infuse your marketing efforts with bold, creative ideas.


Innovation is key in fintech, and some companies have elevated their marketing campaigns to impressive new heights. Take, for example, Reliance General Insurance’s approach to promoting their car insurance package. Instead of sticking to traditional, dry presentations, they created an engaging video that highlights a key benefit: compensation for vehicle broke-đowns. 


 Reliance General Insurance example for Fintech Product Marketing Tactics

The video features a storyline where a character’s car breaks down in a remote location, only to be rescued by a 24/7 assist “robot hero” that represents the brand’s car insurance package. This engaging narrative not only entertains but also clearly highlights the value of the product.


This kind of creativity doesn’t just grab attention; it engages viewers on an emotional level and makes your product memorable. Embrace inventive concepts and original approaches in your marketing to set your fintech offering apart from the competition and resonate with your audience in a meaningful way.

#2: Focus on one main marketing channel


When it comes to marketing your fintech product, it's crucial to concentrate your efforts on one primary channel, since not every marketing strategy will be a perfect fit for your business. While data-driven approaches are essential, that doesn’t mean you need to invest heavily in various ad types right away.


Applying the Bullseye Framework can be particularly useful here. Start by identifying and testing different channels to see which one shows the most promise. Once you’ve pinpointed the most effective channel, invest your resources into that area to maximize impact and drive meaningful results for your fintech startup.


The Bullseye Framework - Source: Brian Balfour


#3: Social media for Fintech products


In the world of fintech, adding a human touch to your marketing efforts is crucial. While chatbots, AI functions, and automation play essential roles, they often fall short when it comes to making complex data—like reports, numbers, and charts—engaging and relatable.


That’s where social media comes in. It’s a powerful tool for bringing your fintech products to life and connecting with people on a personal level. Instead of just posting technical details, use social media to share content that’s engaging and relatable. Think creative posts, fun visuals, and even a bit of humor.


A notable example of a successful fintech brand leveraging social media is Robinhood. The investment platform has effectively used social media to engage with its audience and build a strong brand presence. They even dedicated a whole landing page to list out the social media channels they're currently present on!



Bottom Line


The fintech sector is full of opportunities, and mastering fintech product marketing tactics is essential for making your mark. 


At Golden Owl, we excel in developing digital MVPs that bring innovative fintech ideas to life. Whether you're working on a new app or a sophisticated website, our team is here to help you succeed. Ready to take your fintech vision to the next level? Reach out to us today and let’s make it happen!



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