Once you understand the basic theories of tech frameworks, if you want to practice and improve your skills then the next thing is to understand the technical stacks because a complete program doesn't just have code, but also must have an operating system platform and accompanying software (web server, database). Moreover, a web developer also needs to catch the tech stack for web development trends that dominate the market. So what are tech stack for web development?If you still do not know which are the prominent teak stacks, take a look at the article below

1. The MEAN Stack
Tech Stack is predicted to be the trend of 2020 first to mention MEAN Stack. The MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) is one of the most popular tech stacks of 2020 (Another version is MERN, replacing Angular and React).
With MEAN Stack, you only need to use a single language from the beginning to the end is JAVAScript, this is the highlight of Stack. This also benefits web developers who can build an entire system in a single language, running in both front - end and back - end, reducing costs significantly, and saving a lot of time.
Another plus point for MEAN Stack is that all technologies are free to use and are Open-source. The applications of MEAN stack are a genius stack for cloud hosting as they change and expand. The stack can be easily deployed since it already owns a separate web server. The database is scaled depending on the increase in temporary usage.
2. The MERN Stack
This stack has many similarities with The MEAN stack, in which React replaces AngularJS. Because React uses the Virtual DOM, changes are made easily. In addition, it uses a JSX, a modified version of JavaScript, enabling reusable components work. React is one of the most popular frameworks used to build high-end, single-page applications with interactive UIs.
However, one limitation of React is that while working, web developers have disadvantages since React is more like a library than a framework. Therefore, they have to use third-party services more.
3. MEVN Stack
This is another deformity of The MEAN Stack. In this version, Vue.js will replace AngularJS for the front-end framework. Vue.js provides superior basic functions so it has been very popular in the past few years. The MEVN Stack is expected to continue to promote popularity in 2020 as this is a lighter solution than AngularJS. The prominent functions of The MEVN can be extended using third party services. It must be said that Vue.js is a perfect combination of Angular.JS and React to give web developers maximum performance and a variety of bundled toolset.
4. The LAMP Stack
This is the classic stack and is widely used in most websites. It is tested over time - Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Even popular CMS like Joomla, WordPress are built on this Stack.
The favorite point of this Stack is that its components are Open - Source, the cost of copyright is 0. And if you have a problem, be assured with the user community a lot, you can get free advice.
Linux servers are priced at an average, not too high. Therefore, if the code on the LAMP Stack, you can easily find free hosts for your application.
This stack also has some versions: MAMP (On MAC), WAMP (On Win), XAMPP (On all operating systems).

5. The Serverless Stack
2020 is the best time to build on cloud infrastructure or in other words server. Serverless provides all the services and tools, so the management of infrastructure is much simpler than other stacks. You can scale a hundred thousands of users overnight. AWS Lambda was one of the first serverless platforms. A more specific example is Google Cloud, which is a serverless cloud service provider.
6. Flutter For Web
Flutter for Web can be called a game-changer in the cross-platform development world. It is using the same user interface and is business logic on all platforms. With Flutter, you do not have to spend as much time deploying as other Stack. In particular, developers can fix bugs, add new features, and build interfaces without affecting the download speed.
7. WISA Stack
This stack includes Windows, IIS, SQL Server, ASP.NET. As you can see, the entire stack uses Microsoft goods. Usually, applications are coded on the ASP platform. The net will use this platform.
The advantage of Stack is its development speed and maintainability: C # is a quite powerful language, ASP.NET works very well with SQL Server, has many user support tools. However, using Microsoft products, the cost of licensing (buying Visual Studio to code, copyright Window, SQL Server) is quite high, so small companies often do not use it. Recently, C# has become an Open Source language. Not long ago .NET Core was born, SQL Server was also available on Linux.
Understanding the nature of each tech stack for web development, web developers will easily apply to the system that suits their capabilities, as well as the company's products. Golden Owl Consulting hopes this article will bring useful information to the technical stack trend for future web developers.