
Dec 26, 2023

about 6 min read

5 Best iOS Coding Languages for App Development

Don’t get lost in the jungle! Choose the right iOS coding language for your app with our expert guide. Swift, JavaScript, and more. 


Choosing the right iOS coding language to build your app can feel like foraging for the perfect apple in an orchard brimming with variety. Each language offers its own unique blend of sweetness, tartness, and crunch. As a result, the ideal choice depends on your taste and the recipe you have in mind. 


So, let’s explore some top iOS programming languages in this article to see which is best suited for your app development journey.


Read more: Web Development With Different Languages: Which Ones Are Better?


Best iOS Coding Language: Swift & Objective-C Still Take the Crown





Swift is undeniably the widely recommended iOS coding language. It’s been created by Apple and is the most popular language for iOS development. Anyone, even newbies, can quickly learn it since it has a simple syntax. 


The Swift language offers outstanding performance and works excellently with Xcode—Apple’s official development environment. It also has a big group of developers who are always ready to help. You can use different programming paradigms with Swift, including object-oriented, functional, and protocol-oriented programming. 


It’s also made to work well with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks that provide the core functionality and user interface components for iOS apps. Moreover, Swift has a package manager called Swift Package Manager to quickly add dependencies and libraries to your project.



  • Swift is easy to learn and use, especially for beginners. It has a clear and concise syntax, a powerful type system, and automatic memory management.
  • Swift is highly performant. It’s compiled into native code and optimized for speed and efficiency. Swift also supports concurrency and parallelism, enabling you to leverage the full potential of the device’s hardware.
  • Swift is interoperable with Objective-C—the previous programming language for iOS application development. Therefore, you can use existing Objective-C libraries and frameworks in your Swift code without significant issues.
  • Swift is constantly updated and improved by Apple and the open-source community. As a result, it has access to the latest features and technologies of the iOS platform.



  • Swift is relatively new and still evolving, so it may have bugs, inconsistencies, and breaking changes. Also, you may have to update your code frequently to keep up with the latest versions of Swift and iOS.
  • Swift is not compatible with older versions of iOS, limiting your app’s reach and audience. It requires iOS 7 or later, while Objective-C supports iOS 4 or later.
  • Swift is not widely supported by third-party tools and services, such as IDEs, testing frameworks, and analytics platforms. This may affect your productivity and the quality of your app




While Swift might be the new kid on the block, Objective-C remains the senior coding language behind many existing iOS apps. It was introduced by Apple back in 1983. It’s the granddaddy of Swift—the newer language. 


Some people may find it a bit old-school. But it still works great for maintaining old projects or dealing with legacy code. It’s an extension of C, with extra cool stuff like objects, classes, and inheritance. 


Plus, it has a ton of libraries and frameworks like UIKit, Core Data, and Core Animation to help you add features and functionality to your app. Finally, Objective-C is closely integrated with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, which offer the core functionality and user interface components for iOS apps.



  • Objective-C is mature and stable, as it has been used for decades and tested by millions of developers and users. It has a well-established and documented code base. You can find solutions and resources for almost any problem or challenge.
  • Objective-C is compatible with older iOS versions, so you can target a broader and more diverse audience for your app. 
  • Objective-C is widely supported by third-party tools and services, such as IDEs, testing frameworks, and analytics platforms. 



  • Objective-C is difficult to learn and use, especially for beginners. It has a complex and verbose syntax and manual memory management. 
  • Objective-C also has limited support for concurrency and parallelism, which may affect your app’s performance and responsiveness.
  • Objective-C is outdated and deprecated, as Apple has shifted its focus and resources to Swift. This means that Objective-C has limited access to the latest features and technologies of the iOS platform and may become obsolete in the future.


Beyond Native Shores: Exploring Cross-Platform Options


However, what if you dream of conquering beyond the iOS kingdom, venturing into the Android land? For a cross-platform approach, other programming languages might pique your interest:


JavaScript with React Native



Suppose you’re a developer with JavaScript skills. In that case, you might be interested to know that with React Native, you can transform your JS skills into beautiful native-looking iOS and Android apps. 


The best part? You only need to code once and then deploy everywhere. This tempting advantage of React Native is especially appealing for developers already familiar with JS, as they can leverage their existing knowledge to create amazing mobile apps quickly and efficiently. 


However, it’s important to note that while React Native’s JavaScript-based approach is incredibly efficient, its performance may not be on par with that of pure Swift. Additionally, some native iOS features may require extra effort to implement, as they aren’t available out-of-the-box in React Native. 


Nonetheless, React Native remains a popular choice for cross-platform app development due to its ease of use and the ability to quickly iterate on ideas.


Read more: Top 12+ React Native App Development Companies in 2023


Dart with Flutter



Flutter is a powerful cross-platform framework built on the Dart programming language. It offers developers an intuitive and expressive syntax that makes creating beautiful, high-performance iOS and Android apps a more interactive and engaging experience. 


What sets Flutter apart is its hot reload feature, which allows developers to make changes to their code and see the results instantly without restarting the app. This makes the development process faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable. 


While Flutter and Dart offer many advantages for cross-platform application development, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Since Flutter is still a relatively new framework, there may be some limitations regarding community support, third-party libraries, and other resources compared to established frameworks.


Overall, Flutter is an excellent choice for developers looking to create stunning, dynamic iOS and Android apps that work seamlessly across different platforms.


C# with Xamarin



Xamarin is another excellent tool for developers who want to build cross-platform mobile applications using their existing C# programming skills. This platform offers a comprehensive set of tools and integration with Visual Studio. This makes iOS app development more familiar and efficient for C# developers. 


With Xamarin, you can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. Additionally, Xamarin provides access to platform-specific APIs, allowing developers to create native user interfaces and utilize device-specific features. 


However, it’s worth noting that the learning curve for Xamarin itself can be steeper than that of Swift—the native iOS programming language. So, while Xamarin can be a powerful tool for C# developers, getting up to speed may require extra effort.


Overall, Xamarin is a powerful and versatile tool that can help developers streamline their mobile application development process while leveraging their existing knowledge and skills.


How to Choose the Right iOS Coding Project for Your Project


Ultimately, the best iOS coding language is the one that fits your specific needs and goals. You should consider these factors when choosing which one to use:

  • Firstly, think about the scope of your project. Are you building a native app solely for the iOS universe, or do you want to reach a wider audience across multiple platforms? 
  • Next, consider your developer skills. Are you looking to leverage your existing knowledge? Or are you willing to take on the challenge of learning a new language? 
  • Additionally, it would be best if you thought about your performance priorities. Do you prioritize top-notch performance over cross-platform reach? 
  • Finally, it’s necessary to consider the community and resources available for the language you choose. A vibrant community and abundant learning resources can make your development journey smoother.


The Final Code


As you can see, regarding iOS app development, there are a variety of coding languages to choose from. There’s no best language to code in to build iOS apps, as each has its own benefits and drawbacks. 


Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. So, take your time to sample the flavors and choose the one that perfectly complements your iOS application development vision. With the right choice, your app will surely become the next juicy hit in the App Store!

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