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A good website design can significantly increase sales. See how!

Oct 18, 2024

about 4 min read


Building a website with a defined aim and plan will help you generate more leads and sales, allowing you to expand your business. Even better, your website is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making it a powerful marketing tool. Here is how!

We all understand the significance of website design. We want websites that we can be proud of and that provide potential consumers a positive picture of our firm. The influence of website design on sales and success, on the other hand, is far greater.

Almost every firm and individual functioning in today's market has a website. Unfortunately, many of these sites are badly designed or use a WordPress template; this will not help your business win your customers’ eyes.

A well-designed website can increase sales and conversion rate dramatically. Meanwhile, a poorly made website can become a burden to the success of your organization.

In a fraction of a second, the appearance of your website tells people if they want to communicate or do business with you. A single glimpse may either make a person click away or convert them into a customer.

It should come as no surprise that the way you manage your website has a significant impact on your online sales and earnings.

Building a website with a defined aim and plan will help you generate more leads and sales, allowing you to expand your business. 

Even better, your website is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making it a powerful marketing tool. Here is how!

Businesses lose billions of pounds/year in sales due to slow website speed

Users have a poor tolerance for website loading delays when it comes to website performance. 

Website loading speed

Slow-loading websites cost merchants £1.73 billion in lost sales annually, according to InVision. 

WebFx claims that shaving one second off a website's load time may increase conversion rate by 7% on average. 

Read more: A 5-step designing process to build a win website

Website loading times are an important consideration in website design and a top concern for companies who don't want to lose revenue.

Visual design does matter - Customer’s first impression

First impressions matter when it comes to website design. Users establish an opinion about your website in only 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds), determining whether they like it or not, and if they will remain or go.

Visual makes first impression

Before they have time to read more than a few words of information, a user makes this essential judgment based almost completely on design, layout, and clarity.

As a result, it's critical to make your website's initial impression pleasant. Structure, space, colors, symmetry, typefaces, volume of content, and other elements all have a role. 

Focus on these features to create a user interface that will entice visitors to your website. This split-second choice on your website impacts whether you can keep your visitor on site and convert them into your customers or they will switch to your rivals. 

38% of people leave an unappealing content or layout website 

According to HubSpot, when presented with unappealing content, 38% of website visitors will abandon the site. 

Website needs good layout and content structure

That indicates that, no matter how quality your products or services offer on a website, the design of the website may result in the loss of nearly one-third of clients.

In a study of SWEOR, it pointed out that poor functioning websites are defined as excessively complicated or cluttered, and deficient in navigation. 

Read more: Discover 5 best tips to quickly improve your UI design

In addition, boring design, poor color utilization, excessive pop-up advertising, inadequate search options and too much content are also listed as poorly designed websites.

As a result, while building your website, it's critical to employ smart layout and design concepts to make it as attractive and believable as possible. A well-organized layout and attractive feature website can increase sales potentially.

The power of white space

White space helps visitors browse text better by balancing the items on a page. However, overcrowding your website might cause your visitors to get distracted and overwhelmed.

And many businesses make the mistake of trying to cram content or pictures into every available square inch of their website. 

White space matters

Good design relies heavily on white space. It allows you to maintain a tidy website while keeping your audience's attention on the most important content.

One of the most important advantages of white space in web design is that, when used correctly, it provides your site a clean, minimalist appearance. It's appealing to the eye and allows the brain to comprehend the information on the page quickly.

Using too many components, colors, or pictures might cause your visitors to lose track of why they came to your site in the first place. 

Keeping things simple makes it easier for your visitors to navigate your site and increases conversion rates.

61% of visitors are unlikely to return to a mobile site that was difficult to use.

We previously discussed how important it is for businesses to establish adaptable websites; and how important it is to design online content for smartphones. 

According to Google research, 61% of visitors are unlikely to return to a mobile site that they had trouble accessing, and 40% will instead go to a rival. 

Website needs to be accessable 24/7

Businesses who design websites for desktops alone risk losing clients to competitors that have responsive websites that operate on mobile devices.

Read more: What is responsive web design & why is it a must-have for UX

Responsive design guarantees that your website adapts to fit the smaller screen if someone visits it on a mobile device. Users will enjoy the same amazing experience as if they were visiting your site on a desktop computer.

Your site will adjust to whichever device someone is using thanks to responsive design. A responsive website can increase sales for your company significantly.


Because it is one of your finest marketing and sales tools, website design should be an integral element of your digital marketing plan, whether you sell a product or a service. A great website can enhance your revenue and bottom line by working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while you sleep.

Do you want an excellent web design for your company? Get in contact with Golden Owl's web development professional! With years of expertise in establishing trust and motivating customers to succeed, we are more than confident in our ability to assist your company in achieving your objectives.


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