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5 easy tips to convert website traffic into qualified leads

Oct 18, 2024

about 5 min read


To keep your leads going down the funnel, make sure they're landing on the proper pages, getting the information they need, and being able to buy, subscribe, get a quotation, or sign up with ease.

So, how far have you progressed?

  • You've started your blog.

  • SEO has been implemented on your website.

  • You brought your business online

  • You've started promoting your material on social media.

Brand recognition is fantastic, but only if it can be translated into actual sales.

If your keyword research, site optimization, and link-building activities don't provide results, they're all for nothing.

To keep your leads going down the funnel, make sure they're landing on the proper pages, getting the information they need, and being able to buy, subscribe, get a quotation, or sign up with ease.

In this article, we will provide you with some best tips to effectively convert website traffic into leads.

1. Attract the correct visitors

One of the reasons you aren't making sales is that you're attracting the incorrect audience. 

As a result, they are unlikely to convert since they do not believe whatever you have to give is of interest to them.

There are a few options.

Examining your SEO approach is one of them. If the majority of your traffic originates from search, this will be especially helpful.

Check the performance of keywords you are targeting

Check to verify whether you've been targeting the incorrect keywords during the auditing process.

What are "bad" keywords, exactly? What's the best way to put it?

It's as follows:

  • Keywords that have nothing to do with your website. 

  • Keywords that are too broad or too generic. 

  • Keywords that don't have any purchasing content. 

Read more: 5 reasons why your website traffic drops and how to fix it

Check to see whether your website is ranking for these keywords and make any necessary changes.

Another strategy to draw in the correct visitors is to promote your website on the appropriate social media platform.

If you sell a SaaS product, for example, your target audience will most likely be on LinkedIn rather than Facebook or Instagram.

2. Create an email list

You want to be able to engage with potential clients and move them down the sales funnel once you've gotten traffic to your website.

The most successful technique to convert website traffic into leads, according to 51% of email marketers, is to segment email lists.

In this part, we'll concentrate on email because it's the most popular and successful method of lead nurturing.

Audience segmentation is simple to establish with automation solutions like Active Campaign and MailChimp.

What basis do they have? Any information you have:

  • Visited pages

  • Data from the form is collected, such as title, industry, purchasing cycle, and so on.

  • Geography location 

  • Cart abandonment

Email list is super useful in converting your visitors

The first step to personalisation is segmentation.

With so much stuff flooding inboxes, customizing your message might help you stand out.

You also need to build a highly desired lead magnet that addresses an issue that your target audience is likely to face in order to persuade them to sign up for our email list. 

Once you've gotten their email address, send them a welcome series of emails that will help them get to know, like, and trust your company.

This stage requires you to provide as much value as possible. It will more likely help to convert website traffic into leads when you do give them a sales opportunity in the future.

3. Create a trustworthy website.

Did you know that before completing a purchase, 86% of your potential clients must first trust your website?

Don't even think about how to turn traffic into leads or sales if your website doesn't appear genuine and trustworthy.

What methods do you do to ensure that your website is reliable?

Importing evaluations from your Google My Business page to your website is one method of accomplishing this.

Or, You can do this by prominently displaying testimonials.

Testimonials, like reviews, are crucial for increasing conversion rates.

Read more: 8 important tips to gather and improve genuine customer testimonials

Here are some compelling statistics that demonstrate the validity of testimonials:

  • When a product is suggested by someone they know, 92% of consumers are inclined to buy it.

  • Even if the tip comes from a complete stranger, 72% of people will still buy.

  • Online testimonials are trusted by 88% of web users as much as personal recommendations are.

  • Visitors are 58% more likely to convert after reading testimonials.

4. Construct A Well-Thought-Out Funnel

In the case of pricey products or services, converting website traffic into leads at the top of the funnel is practically difficult. 

Instead, think about what it would take to convert a cold website traffic source into a happy customer. 

Warming up leads and establishing trust takes several phases, and consistently offering value will result in a greater conversion rate. 

This is where the use of freebie marketing comes in.

Using free gifts to entice customers is an age-old marketing approach that still works today.

Using free gifts to entice customers is an age-old marketing approach that still works today

So, what kind of freebies do you have?

  • Free e-book or email course

  • Free consultations

  • Free trial

  • Free consultation

  • Free shipping

  • Free download

  • Discounts and coupons

Anything you give is intended to grab attention from your target market. These offers will get the conversation started so you can lead that prospect to become a paying client, whether you're the only salesman or have a whole sales team.

5. Longer lead forms can help you qualify visitors.

While text on the landing page might assist, expectations in the form fields can help reinforce the copy.

TruckersReport A/B tested their sign up form while examining their landing page, comparing a form with several fields to one with only an email field. The long form converted 13% better than the short one.

Leads may be turned off by longer forms with too many fields. Not just because they are time-consuming to complete, but also because not everyone wants to provide all of their personal information.

Longer lead forms are proved to generate more quality leads

Shorter forms with just one or two fields that capture the relevant information (such names and email addresses) will convert the most leads.

However, there is a catch. More qualified leads will be generated if the forms are longer.

What exactly do we mean when we say "more qualified leads?"

The more form fields a person is willing to fill out, the more qualified they are as a lead is deemed. 

Qualified leads are far more likely to convert into paid customers, as indicated by their readiness to pass over personal information.

If a prospect refuses to fill out a lengthy form, they're probably not ready to buy.

They may better categorize their email list and trigger particular customer journeys based on those characteristics by adding "Organization name" and "Organization type" to the mix.

Read more: A good website design can significantly increase sales. See how!


Above are 5 tips on how to turn traffic into leads. Organic leads are priceless.The problem is that SEO has the potential to cast a wide net.

That's why you shouldn't simply optimize your content for Google; you need to also improve it for conversion.

If you need any assistance in building a website that wins customers and boosts your sales, we’re here for that. Do not hesitate to contact us for an attractive discount today!


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