
Jan 19, 2022

about 5 min read

mCommerce - the next trend of eCommerce industry in 2022!

In today’s day and age, we cannot imagine ourselves shopping without an online shopping platform. Everyone knows that e-commerce is a rapidly expanding segment of the greater retail and commerce scene, but did you realize that mobile commerce is growing even faster?

The key driver of digital media consumption is mobile applications, demonstrating that having a mobile-friendly website is critical to a company's success.

Given the growing popularity of mobile Internet and mobile purchasing, as well as the multi-screen world we live in today, failing to provide a mobile-friendly shopping experience may put you at a competitive disadvantage.

Given the large number of individuals who use mobile devices nowadays, it's understandable that businesses would want to cater to their buying preferences via mobile commerce.


Let's make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to mobile commerce as we know it now before we start talking about the future.

Any form of transaction that is done via a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet, or even a wearable device is referred to as mobile commerce, also known as mCommerce or mobile e-Commerce.

Any form of transaction that is done via a mobile device also known as mCommerce or mobile e-Commerce

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Customers may buy items and services online using their mobile devices, and they can do so from anywhere and at any time.

The fundamental goal of mcommerce is to provide customers with a simple buying experience via smaller displays seen on mobile devices. 

One of the primary aspects contributing to the success of selling online nowadays is the ability to provide a mobile-friendly experience to customers with a responsive shop design.


eCommerce, by definition, is a broad term for business activity conducted via the internet. These activities are centered on the exchange of goods and services, with components such as:

  • Information

  • Communication

  • Negotiation

  • Transaction

  • Payment

  • Logistic

Mobile devices are supposed to be the primary means of communication with your consumers. 

As a result, mobile commerce, also known as m-commerce or m-commerce, arose as a natural extension of eCommerce. It is, in other words, a subset of eCommerce. 

The main distinction is that, whereas e-commerce focuses on the complete purchasing experience on the internet, m-commerce concentrates on the customer's mobile shopping journey.

 e-commerce focuses on the complete purchasing experience on the internet, m-commerce concentrates on the customer's mobile shopping journey


Mobile commerce products exist in a variety of forms and sizes, but the three most prevalent mCommerce models currently being produced by enterprises are as follows:

Mobile banking - Apps for mobile banking are comparable to those for internet banking. On mobile devices, however, some transaction types may be prohibited.

Mobile shopping app - This is a mCommerce version that functions similarly to e-commerce on a mobile device. It essentially refers to mobile-friendly web retailers. 

Businesses looking to penetrate the mobile market should create mobile-friendly websites, invest in dedicated m-commerce applications, or move their sales to social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Mobile payments - this form of mCommerce implementation focuses on the many mobile payment alternatives offered to customers. 

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In today's mobile age, mcommerce is one of the most important sources of revenue for a company. Mobile commerce applications are a helpful tool for e-commerce firms of all sizes, whether small or large, to sell their products to a broader audience.

Here are a few examples of why mcommerce is so important in today's fast-paced world.

1. Purchases are made more quickly.

Many businesses assume that by providing a responsive website, they can give their consumers a mobile commerce app-like experience. This, however, is not the case.

When loading data and search results on mobile devices, mobile applications are 1.5 times faster. As a consequence, buyers may use their smartphones or tablets to browse and buy things more quickly.

People prefer purchasing items and services straight from their smartphones rather than scheduling time to sit with their laptops or desktops, since mobile applications and websites give the same capability. 

2. Convenience

When it comes to mCommerce, one of its brand names should be convenience. This is another benefit of m-commerce for businesses that you may not realize.

When it comes to mCommerce, one of its brand names should be convenience.

In today's world, when everything seems to be getting rationally better, mCommerce thrives where traditional techniques fail. In comparison to their early days, mobile devices are becoming increasingly easier to get into your pocket and more multi-purpose than at any other point in history. 

Clients can accomplish things like shopping, banking, downloading media files, and managing their companies with just a few simple clicks on their mobile devices, to name a few.

3. Collect useful customer information.

Mobile commerce allows businesses to acquire client data and obtain a better understanding of the customer journey. 

Customers visit a store, make a purchase, and then depart. For example, only a few facts, such as why they buy, are recorded and preserved for statistics and analysis.

Businesses can engage with their customers from the minute they walk into their stores, assess the items, and make a purchase, thanks to mobile commerce. From buying intent to an order, they are all important signals.

Read more: 4 main reasons why mobile app is a must for your e-commerce business

4. Low Prices and Increased Productivity

Using a mobile commerce app to communicate with customers rapidly might save money on less effective marketing strategies. 

Even better, social media integration may reduce social media marketing expenditures by allowing consumers to help spread the word about the company.

Using a mobile commerce app to communicate with customers rapidly might save money on less effective marketing strategies.

Furthermore, compared to other e-commerce platforms, the expenses of creating and maintaining an application are often far cheaper, allowing you to save money and free up resources. Operating an m-commerce app, for example, can cost as little as 20% of the cost of creation.

5. Reach out at the right time.

Another important benefit of mCommerce for businesses in many sectors is that it enables customized scheduling. Brands may use mobile commerce apps to reach out to customers with the appropriate message at the right time.

You might, for example, send a push message to app users who are looking for a specific item, informing them that a new version of the product will be ready in a few days. 

If you spot someone buying from your online mobile business during their lunch break, you may assist them by sending a tailored offer.


Mobile commerce apps and mcommerce continue to flourish, with over 1 billion people using smartphones to access the internet every day. With so many benefits of m-commerce for businesses, this is definitely not a trend to miss in 2022, especially for the ecommerce industry.

If your company may profit from a mCommerce app, now is the time to invest. Our mobile development team will offer you the greatest development application service, allowing you to propose a fantastic possibility for the effective implementation of your digital commerce plans. 

If you'd like additional information about your choices, get in touch with us right now!

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