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Tech Giants Embrace Microservices Architecture

Oct 18, 2024

about 4 min read


For every app, website, and digital experience that they produce, businesses are moving away from monolithic design and toward microservice architecture. Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and Etsy are just a few examples.

For every app, website, and digital experience that they produce, businesses are moving away from monolithic design and toward microservice architecture.

Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and Etsy are just a few of the world's most inventive and lucrative microservices examples.

Today, we'll look at how businesses might benefit from microservices design in terms of operations and profitability.

Why Are Microservices Being Adopted by Tech Firms?

According to Ranga Rajagopalan, co-founder and CTO of Avi Networks in Fremont, Calif., "Microservices allow a team to break down a huge, sophisticated program into smaller services or apps."

Most businesses begin by constructing their infrastructure as a single monolithic application. All of the functions' programming is included in a single piece of application code, making it impossible to separate the code for these methods because it's all intertwined together. 

In a monolith, changing or adding a single feature might cause the whole application's code to break. Upgrades are therefore time-consuming and costly.

Unlike monolithic architecture, microservices enable businesses to rapidly create, deploy, and improve their minimal viable products (MVPs), proofs of concept (PoCs), and full-size systems. 

Scalability, operational efficiency, and the capacity to sustain the product even if anything goes wrong are just a few of the positives.

Microservices in the eCommerce industry are also viewed as one of the solutions to huge and complicated IT system difficulties. 

More features are being introduced into eCommerce systems all the time in order to provide a uniform experience for customers. Microservices make it easier to build, test, integrate, and scale your features more quickly.

To show how far microservices have progressed, we've assembled a list of 7 IT organizations that are already reaping the benefits of microservice design.

1. Netflix

Netflix is widely recognized as one of the microservices movement's forerunners.

Netflix decided to split its monolith into microservices in 2009, after experiencing growing pains and frequent server disruptions as a result of their monolithic design.

Netflix took two years to separate its monolith into microservices, and they announced the completion of their redesign and organization utilizing microservice architecture in 2011.

The firm gains a competitive edge by combining microservices and algorithms, allowing it to produce shows that people desire to see.

2. Amazon

Amazon was one of the first companies to use microservices to revolutionize their whole company.

In the early 2000s, Amazon's retail website functioned like a single monolithic program. They separated their monolithic apps into discrete, independently-running, service-specific programs when they needed to reorganize their system from the ground up.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), which provides the infrastructure needed for enterprises to build and manage containers and microservices on the fly, is possibly the world's most famous promoter of microservices today.

Read more: Microservices are indeed the future of Fintech app!

3. Uber

The world-famous taxi-hailing software started off with a monolithic architecture designed to serve the sole city where it was developed, San Francisco.

ber planned to divide its monolithic application structure into cloud-based microservices to tackle its monolithic issues. Developers then created distinct microservices for features such as passenger management, travel management, and more.

Today, the firm is a well-known brand with millions of clients and innumerable in-house activities, thanks to microservices that manage all business processes.

4. Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Company, with 3,800 products and subsidiaries in every country, was confronted with the task of linking and sustaining organizations on separate continents.

To achieve this goal, Coca-Global Cola's IT organization has chosen to use microservices and APIs to progressively replace outdated applications. 

Because the monolithic design would not suffice, the behemoth resorted to microservices for assistance. 

After the integration, Coca-Cola pushed ERP, conversions, and repositories to new heights, ensuring that the company remained productive even as it expanded.

5. Etsy

Before transitioning to microservices, Etsy had serious performance concerns for a few years. After experiencing performance concerns due to slow server processing time, Etsy made the switch to a microservices-based infrastructure.

Etsy created a two-layer API with meta-endpoints, taking ideas from Netflix and other early microservices users. Each meta-endpoint gathered more endpoints. 

At the same time, the team needed to enable the development of new features, mobile apps, and other applications, all of which necessitated the platform's extensibility. 

The architectural style was launched on Etsy in 2016. Following that, the business benefits from a framework that allows for continuous innovation, parallel processing, faster updates, and easier scaling.

Read more: The popularity of microservices-based ecommerce!

6. Spotify

By the time it reached 75 million monthly active users, Spotify required a system that could scale to millions of users, support several platforms, and manage complex business requirements. 

They hoped to win in a fast-paced market by responding rapidly and out-innovating their competitors.

By utilizing microservice design, Spotify was able to design flexible, scalable structures, quickly address real-world problems, and test and version diverse solutions individually after decoupling from their previous system.

Today they have a total of 810 services and are still growing over the years, in countries, continents. 

7. eBay

In 2011, eBay had 9 petabytes of data, with daily database calls of 5 billion, page views of 4 billion, and search queries of 250 billion. 

At that point, eBay realized that it needed to produce high-quality features and enhancements at a quick rate in order to stay competitive. 

In 2011, the company shifted from a monolithic to a microservices architecture in order to virtualize infrastructure and build a global resource pool.

They confessed that microservices had been a godsend to them. With the successful integration, eBay is now one of the companies that is experimenting with microservices to improve its business operations and ecommerce.

Final words

Microservices are a relatively new idea, but when used correctly with regard to people and processes already in place, they may provide incredible outcomes.

Golden Owl’s microservices are created using the most up-to-date international security standards, ensuring that all data is completely secure. 

We also make certain that the services are delivered on time and that our clients receive a speedy turnaround. Does that sound interesting to you? Leave us a message now!


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