
Refactor Linux PHP cron daemon tasks into Laravel 8 scheduled tasks.Update existing Laravel 8 PHP 7.4 projects to Laravel 9 PHP 8, and make feature improvements.

LeaseRunner cover


LeaseRunner is a web application for property owners that rent out properties. Main services are tenant screening, leasing service and rent collection. With LeaseRunner, landlording is much easier and secured for both parties.

Our Responsibility

Golden Owl assisted them in refactoring and optimizing codes, developing new website's features

LeaseRunner img no.0
LeaseRunner img no.1
LeaseRunner img no.2

Core features

  • Best Tenant screening: LeaseRunner web application can provide a fully-informed background of a specific tenant including mix-and-match credit, criminal, eviction, and cash report. Once pre qualifications are approved, it will check on the tenant's criminal background.

  • Online rental application: LeaseRunner allows its applicants to freely process the rental online using their smartphone. Applicants' personal information and SSN are kept to the most confidential standard. owning any battery.

  • State-specific Leases: LeaseRunner holds such a comprehensive and up-to-date library of lease documents that can save its applicants hundreds of dollars and hours of researching.

  • E-Signature Leases: No matter where and how far its applicants are, they can e-sign their lease documents at any time with the help of LeaseRunner’s automating templates.

  • ACH Rent Collection: LeaseRunner’s applicants never need to worry about the payment delinquency as the web application provides online rent payments with electronic receipts and autopay option on any day of the month.

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